The earth, the sky, and all of their inhabitants did not exist very long ago. Nothing of what we see existed, yet God existed and created everything that is visible. This is the course of events. God said, "Let there be light!" first. And the light started to come on. After determining that the light was good, God declared the darkness to be night and the light to be day. After dusk came daybreak, and this was the first day. Then God created the firmament, which resembled a massive, clear, and transparent dome, above the waters. The firmament was named heaven by God. And it got dark, and the next morning was the second day.
.. God added: "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together, and let the dry land appear." As a result, God created the sea and the dry land and declared them to be good. He continued: "Let the earth produce shoots, herbs, flowers and trees bearing fruit, each according to its kind." And so it came to pass that fruit trees, flowers, herbs, and sprouts of every sort appeared on the land. God saw the goodness of it all. And the dusk turned to morning on the third day.